Online Metronome

  • Use our free metronome to hone your rhythm, time signatures, subdivisions, & time feel.

  • Move control to set the tempo

  • Change beat tones to play with subdivisions

  • Put your rhythm to the test by dropping out beats

  1. Move control to set the tempo

  2. Change beat tones to play with subdivisions

  3. Put your rhythm to the test by dropping out beats.

Metronome Instructions

A metronome is one of the most useful (and underrated) tools you have at your disposal as a guitarist. Use our free online metronome to hone your sense of rhythm and time feel.

How to set and change tempos

Move the tempo control (red dot) left and right to adjust the tempo (which is measured in BPM or beats per minute). You can set the tempo from 20 - 280 BPM.

  • Move the tempo control to the right to make the tempo faster.

  • Move the tempo control to the left to make the tempo slower.

  • Double click and delete the tempo to type in a tempo of your choosing.

  • Trying to figure out a song's tempo? Use the tap feature to tap along with the beat.